America is set to vote..

All the ads, all the money.. all now history. The real story begins and ends with each citizen, in the polling place, deciding who should run the school board, the county.. the congress.. the nation. All up to Mr. And Mrs. Citizen. Joe Sixpack. All of those corny phrases .. 

The election may be close, so the experts say. The pundits also tell us it could be disputed. Which means even more so that every vote counts. Remember in the year 2000? Votes counted then. Of course the real vote was the Supreme Court, their words certainly had more weight.. 

Nonetheless, in the year 2012, what is the choice?

Each campaign has framed the debate his (or her) own way.

But none of the frames matter. 

The negative ads? They are meaningless too.

The debates? They meant something, but don’t know.

No, now you count.

You mean something.

You are the person who gets to decide.

There is something special about a free and fair election. We in America assume we have those things still. Hopefully our assumption will not be disproven by widespread fraud.. keep the fraud at a minimum. And in Philadelphia. But during a free election, you can walk into a polling place in silence, head held high, cast your choice, and walk out proud. Will your vote be counted? Well, that is for another time and place. But knowing you can  do what you did without worry or trepidation or repudiation? Well, that feels alright …

So go make it count. Regardless of the candidate that you have bought into, no matter the talking points you have recited, just go and be silent in that polling place. Your vote speaks a million words.


For better or worse. Here we go.