It is Billy Joel’s birthday today.. So happy birthday piano man. I actually found this photo of him when he was 32, the same age that I am right now. Not a good looking mug… But a fat wallet for decades. I own all of his albums, some on tape and some in CD.. All … Read more
Day: May 9, 2013
Ouch.. AMERICAN IDOL massacre about to happen.. All four judges set to be fired
Sometimes television programs don’t know when to quit… Ouch.. AMERICAN IDOL massacre about to happen.. All four judges set to be fired
Wow.. So this happened in Harrisburg today… It was Cameron Street hell on earth …
The body of Boston Marathon bombings suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev has been entombed thanks to a “courageous and compassionate individual (who) came forward,” police in Worcester, Massachusetts, said today. Police did not say where the body was entombed, but did say that the body was “no longer in the city of Worcester.” The city’s police chief … Read more
I am anti circus. Read this story to see an example of why
And you cannot blame the bear…. I am anti circus. Read this story to see an example of why