The Moore OK update

So much heartache.. so much disaster. The latest is in Oklahoma, as you may have been seeing if you followed Earth Informer yesterday and other sources as well. Thelatest reports lament 91 dead so far–so many were children from elementary schools that were flattened by this tornado. Winds were 200 miles or more. The spread was over a mile.. And it was one of the biggest tornadoes in history.. The massive path of destruction is now evident.. 
KFOR is reporting the latest from the ground..
At least 91 counted dead at this point..
A desperate search for survivors ongoing.. But time is running out fast.

A school destroyed..
Life in tornado alley..

When comedy is too quick. Ever hear the comment ‘too soon’ after someone tells a joke? Comedian Lizz Winstead tweeted something yesterday after the tornado saying‘This tornado is in Oklahoma so clearly it has been ordered to only target conservatives’.. this was before the bodies of dead children were taken from the elementary school.. this was before the death toll rose to at least 91.. She was forced to Tweet an apology three hours later..