This is Edward Snowden. He is 29. And he is the leaker who told everything and anything about the NSA and the FBI to the UK GUARDIAN.

He also explained to the GUARDIAN as to why..

He spoke about his actions in 12 minute interview posted on the GUARIDAN.. He defended Bradley Manning, and on whether what he did was a crime, he said “we have seen enough criminality on the part of the government.”

He said ‘nothing good’ is going to happen to him. . And now he lives in Hong Kong

He voted for Barack Obama in 2008.

Clearly he wouldn’t do the same now.

This is a major story.. perhaps the story of the year..decade.. our age? This is the main issue at hand right now. Terrorism and defeating it, but defending person liberty and cherishing what makes America great.

Some may wish Snowden “disappears” as was overheard at a security conference about the leaker and the journalist who reported these secrets over the past week… Some may hail him as a hero. 

Either way, is it fair to say the investigation into the leaking of this classified information should now be over..? The Boundless Informant has now revealed his face..