Porn … smoking .. and politics. All banned in the UK soon?

The United Kingdom is about to place sweeping porn filters across networks as a way of reducing the ‘threat’ of porn sites–also it’s been decried as government censorship..

But while Prime Minister Cameron may lament what porn is doing to his nation, one may ask if the true intention is just to censor any content that the government doesn’t want citizens to hear.. such as conspiracy theory – and now there is information that “extremist related content,” eating disorder sites, and sites that talk about smoking and drinking will be banned as well .. you know.. mind porn. The whole idea that this is good is a toxic one no one should go down.. are there reprehensible websites online? Hell yes. But should the government block them….well..maybe some that are criminal. But we are going down a whole new path by forcing sites into the criminal blanket.. This is a very, very scary idea from Cameron–with help from web filter technology already being used in China and Australia..

So Davy boy, what are YOU looking at??