Leif Garrett to Justin Bieber: ‘Don’t believe your own publicity’

I loved reading this article about Garrett’s advice to the Beeb with the feev.. It’s so true, too.

Think about it. Garrett was a major hearththrob and teen idol in the 1970s.. he battled drugs.. he was  a star. And at 51, most don’t know who he is nor what he did.. at least not this generation.

I am only able to imagine what lots of money and fame does to the mind of a child–only imagining since I shun fame (though never had it) and don’t have money (though I would never shun it) .. 

Justin Bieber has been in the news often lately. If he is not trying to strip shirtless and spat on fans, he is shoving cell phones down his pants urinating in buckets of low wage earners that are serving him.

I have written about Bieber often on here–more than I should, really. Not because I like him. Quite the opposite for those who follow me. Instead, it’s because I find people like him to encapsulate all of the most repugnant of qualities that I don’t like in people. Bieber is into himself beyond belief….he is a nightmare of a human being.. and to top that off, he is going to be in our faces with his fame and fortune for years to come.

I know that Justin is the child of a loving mother .. I know that Beeb gives the feev to teens across the planet. But what happens when those teenage girls grow up and trend away from Justin Bieber? What happens when his fame lapses.. when  the spotlight turns off, and when the money runs out. Will he be repugnant as he currently is, or will something better evolve from his now dark soul?

To think.. the Beeb went from this:

To This:

Leif Garrett to Justin Bieber: ‘Don’t believe your own publicity’