Where the lonely people in New York City go after they die..

Hart Island is reportedly the nation's largest taxpayer-funded potter's field -- a term used for a place where the unclaimed dead are buried.

What happens when a homeland New Yorker dies? SMITHSONIAN MAGAZINE writes about Hart Island, a place you never want to be .. 

Hart Island is 131 acres and has been uninhabited for years..

It’s on the Western Part of Long Island.

And since 1869, the location has been used as a burial grounds for those who could not afford the luxuries of higher priced funerals and caskets..

According to the eerie report from SMITHSONIAN, 2,000 people a year are buried there, with about 850,000 in all over the past 100+ years..Even more: Dismembered body parts constitute a small minority of the burials. SMITHSONIAN REPORTS:

An estimated one-third of the burials are of very young children. With one exception—“special child baby 1 1985,” the first child to die of AIDS in New York City—the bodies are buried in mass graves..