I wrote to you about the spiders a while ago. I keep seeing the bright orange ones in my car. One crawled across the inside of my windshield a few days ago while I was driving and one was on my steering wheel today, which I also didn’t notice until I was driving. I swear I’m going to crash my car soon. I sprayed my car with an indoor bug spray though so I hope it works!

Any thing can help!

These spiders are atrocious.. I, just like you, have never seen the colors on these eight legged freaks that I am seeing this year.. I think Pennsylvania must have received a strange shipment of bananas from Peru or something..

The strangest I saw was a spider, about the size of a half dollar, with hairy legs and a yellowish tint. I thought I was going to have to shoot it in the head..

Stay safe out there. 
And always check your shoes before you put them on.

*Google image search spider bite on foot and you’ll see why*