Horrible events seem to repeat themselves

This is getting beyond creepy.. A few days ago the world became aware of the plight of the family of Kendrick Johnson. Johnson was 17, was found dead rolled up in a gym mat, and had an autopsy in which his cause of death was ruled accidental. A second autopsy was conducted but , when he was opened up for the procedure, it was discovered that his body was stuffed with newspapers .. his brain, heart, and lungs were missing. Even organ from his pelvis to his skull were gone.

And now enter this story: Ryan Singleton, 24, moved from Atlanta to Hollywood this summer… He turned up dead in Death Valley and his organs were missing ..

These stories are NOT connected.

But they are only similar in their strangeness..

Last night Clyde Lewis spoke about the two bizarre tales on his show GROUND ZERO…

It’s difficult to imagine the suffering each family is going through–a mystery of not knowing what someone you loved even died is one thing, but the added on strangeness of bodies missing organs or bodies being stuffed with newspapers adds so much insult to injury..