Did you waste $50 bucks on a Miley Cyrus costume back in September? TWERK IT. The Internet has changed everything. That we know. It comes in like a wrecking ball. Today USA TODAY explains in an interesting report just how the net has now changed Halloween.. Remember back in September when Miley Cyrus costumes were … Read more
Day: October 26, 2013
Armed agents seize records of reporter, Washington Times prepares legal action
Wow. Just wow. America? Armed agents seize records of reporter, Washington Times prepares legal action
Massive Barge On San Francisco Bay Likely Secret Google Facility – CBS San Francisco
KPIX 5 has learned a mysterious barge floating on Treasure Island belongs to Google. But the project may be sunk before it ever opens for business. Why does Google have to be so creepy and shady with everything it does? Massive Barge On San Francisco Bay Likely Secret Google Facility – CBS San Francisco
This is the location of horror.. so much misery.. so many tears. This is where the massacre occurred. This is–and soon was–Sandy Hook Elementary School. It’s being demolished. A new one will be unveiled in 2016.. But even when it is, those children who died will still be gone and those tears most likely will … Read more
Guards are on the lookout for anyone attempting to remove anything from the site and everything will be pulverized or melted down to ensure no artifacts will remain. A new school will be built and plans are for it to be open in December 2016. NBC NEWS, reporting no the Sandy Hook Elementary School demolition
I have long debated in my own mind: What do I hate more, spiders or snakes? So far, my experience with snakes has been rotten. They sneak into my house.. one nonvenomous one bit me in 2007.. But my wife has suffered a few spider bites that made my little two-holed snake bite look like … Read more
Pork is what’s never for dinner for me anymore: A pig disease that killed millions of piglets in China has now spread to the United States. US farmers have now reported 768 cases of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV).
There is a theory that oarfish wash ashore when a big event is about to take place–perhaps tectonic movement. It’s rare.. but it happened prior to the massive Japan quake and tsunami. And now oarfish are washing ashore in California .. The oarfish has drawngawkers .. but also some fears.. Could this be a sign of movement deep … Read more
This is an amazing story from the Philippines: A wall of rock reveals a new fault line in the nation! The rock wall developed after the strong 7.2 quake devastated parts of the nation on October 15.. villagers report a strong stench of sulfur and say the rock wall rose on one side as the ground was shaking..