I have long debated in my own mind: What do I hate more, spiders or snakes?

So far, my experience with snakes has been rotten. They sneak into my house.. one nonvenomous one bit me in 2007.. But my wife has suffered a few spider bites that made my little two-holed snake bite look like child’s play. 

Now this from the UK: A venomous spider attack has shut down a British school! Apparently the Den Academy has experienced an outbreak of the ‘false widow’ .. no, not the black widow spider.

The false widow, as opposed to the widow of another nature, is called Britain’s deadliest spider .. it’s not aggressive towards humans, but does bite if it gets trapped in clothing..

It is believed to have arrived in the UK in crates of fruit from the Canary Islands. And since, eight legged hell ensued. Oh, and thanks to climate change, people expect the false widow to mate and spread across the United Kingdom.

And if crates of tea and crumpets or fish and chips leave there to other places? Expect the false widow to just spread across the planet.

A whole new world of venomous life.

Great. And these spiders are plain out horrendously ugly..