The Naval cavity has been exposed.
Expect to hear about this one .. What do prostitutes, Lady Gaga tickets, and a production of the Lion Ling all have in common? A breaking news story involving a bribery case and the Navy. The WASHINGTON POST has the full story here on something you should know.
The POST reports this:
It started with an invitation to the Broadway production of “The Lion King” in Tokyo for the Navy commander, his wife and their children.
In the end, the Malaysian defense contractor known in military circles as “Fat Leonard” would use prostitutes, plane tickets and other bribes to hook the U.S. Naval officer into a scheme that overbilled the Pentagon by millions, investigators say in court papers.
The subject matter…Gaga…the Lion King… all made better by the inclusion of a “Fat Leonard” into the mix.
And you will not be able to read this story without humming the VILLAGE PEOPLE classic song.. I dare you to try.