Carrying a bottle of green vegetable juice is a status symbol. Here’s why we spend so much

Carrying a clear bottle of green vegetable juice has evolved into a status symbol. Here’s why we’re willing to spend so much. Interesting.. I actually have carried around carrot juice for some time now and never thought I was better than others.  And I love carrot juice. So that makes me REALLY better than those … Read moreCarrying a bottle of green vegetable juice is a status symbol. Here’s why we spend so much

Public Mass Executions Carried Out in Seven North Korean Cities

Their crimes? Some distributed ‘pornographic materials.’ Some dared watch South Korean movies… Now they have all eradicated from the planet. UPI reports this money quote: People were executed in cities such as Wonsan, Chongjin, Sariwon and Pyongsong. No one was executed in Pyongyang, North Korea’s capital. In Wonsan, eight people tied to stakes at a … Read morePublic Mass Executions Carried Out in Seven North Korean Cities

I was moved to true emotion and sadness this morning looking at some images from the Philippines. I saw a photo, which I will not share due to the graphic nature, of a father holding his toddler in his arms.. he was weeping. She was dead.. he was taking her to the morgue. She was … Read more

It has been a while since I took a stroll down graffiti highway in Centralia, PA… From my pure non scientific observation, its appears that the roadway is finally buckling beyond recognition.. but some new and wonderful graffiti artwork remains I also met several people walking the highway today, including a nice dad and son … Read more