UK INDEPENDENT article: Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s new film Don Jon is the story of a man whose porn habit has left him unable to relate to real women. He’s not the only one

The article focuses on men. Here’s a quote: The question is: does it matter? If we’re all getting our kicks and having a good time, what’s the problem? “It’s a disconnection from what’s really in front of you,” says Gordon-Levitt, who directed, wrote and stars in the film. “Rather than engaging with a unique individual … Read moreUK INDEPENDENT article: Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s new film Don Jon is the story of a man whose porn habit has left him unable to relate to real women. He’s not the only one

This may be the most uplifting story of the day, but at the same time the saddest one as well..   Miles, a five-year-old with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, wanted to be Batman. The Make-a-Wish Foundation is making that happen today in San Francisco Get some and weep. Smile in between.

My children are decomposing This is a quote from Juvelyn Taniega as reported by CNN today.. She is in the Philippines  and because of the slowness of recovery, she is now forced to watch as the bodies of her children decompose in front of  her.. CNN reports it this way: Juvelyn Taniega tried to keep busy. She collected old … Read more

Remember yesterday that Philippine official who got fired for saying the death toll from Haiyan would end up being 10,000? How dare he? Such radical claims? We are getting ever so much closer to that number now, with almost 4,000 counted as casualties from the storm at this point.. The number of injured stands at 12,165.. … Read more

Discovery Magazine examines: Do We Live in the Matrix?

My take after reading this article.. And it’s a lengthy take: My paternal grandmother died in 1997. I dreamed of her often, but she herself was never present in a dream.. only her empty house and vacant garden. A few weeks ago, for the first time, I dreamed of her and she was there–hugging me and telling … Read moreDiscovery Magazine examines: Do We Live in the Matrix?