Sex sells. Even health care. You can sell health care two ways, perhaps. On one hand, you can show young professionals without insurance, struggling to get by, working long hours, trying to make ends meet for their families, and battling to stay healthy–Obamacare comes along and now can aid them in their struggles. Or, on the other hand, you can just remind them that they can have more sex. Apparently that is what Colorado Consumer Health Initiative, along with the ProgressNow Colorado Education, are doing in their ‘thank Obamacare’ campaign.. they decided to go with a new advertising campaign, aimed at 20 somethings, telling them that when you find out your partner has insurance through the affordable health care act, you can bang him/her. A history of inspiring government propaganda now being replaced with sex..
The only catch to all this? Porn sites are typically user friendly. is not.. Good luck finding a mate.