A lot of weather models are predicting THIS for Thanksgiving. The blue isn’t rain. As you’d expect when arctic air invades. This particular run is the European Model. As for the chances of this happening? I’d still go with maybe..oh..a 20% likelihood. Too much has to come together in a perfect manner to  make it … Read more

TIME magazine hits this week with a ‘broken promise’ Obamacare cover. At least on American newsstands. It shows that, in the medical industry when someone tells you it won’t hurt a bit, it’s going to hurt like hell. On an completely unrelated note: I thought the juxtoposition of headers on the top of the cover … Read more

This entire idea makes me sick.. The Slaying of Sandy Hook is a new game you’re sure to hear about. The game allows you to reenact Adam Lanza’s murderous rampage of innocent children .. A timer ticks down while you shoot the stick figures–the time representing the moment police arrive. You also get compared to the actual … Read more