The inescapable funeral 50 years ago.
Day: November 22, 2013
Inside the Warren Commission and the JFK assassination
The NATIONAL CONSTITUTION CENTER’S article fails to mention a few other snippets of history. Such as the fact that the Warren Commission failed to include testimony of Secret Service agents who swore that the shots came from the Grassy Knoll. Also not mentioned: Powder tests for Oswald were inconclusive as to whether he fired the … Read moreInside the Warren Commission and the JFK assassination
Abraham Zapruder interviewed on November 22, 1963 (Source:
President Kennedy and Governor Connally were shot in Texas on November 22, 1963. And so was James Tague. He may not have been invited to the November 22 50th anniversary events, but his compelling account may add some doubt to the Warren Commission final result. (Source:
Jean Hill interviewed after the JFK assassination on November 22, 1963 (Source:
Breaking news, 1963 style. This is ABC news coverage–as it happened–on November 22, 1963. Chilling.. history relived–even for those who weren’t alive yet to live it. (Source:
It’s November 22, 2013. You are about to be doused with and endless barrage of JFK affiliated news today. Endless array of images from that fateful day. You’ll no doubt hear Walter Cronkite tear up as he announces the death of John F. Kennedy.. you’ll also see a scene here and there of President Kennedy’s … Read more
Sirius business: The Bell tolls for Art. It’s over.
There is a major update in the fight between Art Bell and Sirius radio over his non compete clause. It’s not what Bell’s fans wanted to hear.. Art Bell wrote this on BELLGAB tonight, in total: Hi there everybody. Well it is a sad day for me indeed. I got a call from the Manager … Read moreSirius business: The Bell tolls for Art. It’s over.
It’s not such a wonderful life.. A sequel is planned to the classic Christmas movie. And Paramount may take legal action! They are attempting to block the sequel to IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE because they own the rights to the 1946 classic.. Star Partners and Hummingbird Prods already was lining up a cast and crew. Hopefully … Read moreMARY, PARAMOUNT WANTS ITS MOVIE BACK
Another stake in the heart of the 1990s and Internet infancy: AOL is now officially going to shut down Winamp. Blockbuster closing killed the 1980s, Winamp’s death kills the 1990s once and for all (with Geocities gone, it was already on life support). I get new technology comes and old goes.. but pause in a … Read more