There could be an opening for someone who wants to be the next Art Bell

Art Bell announced yesterday that he was throwing in his towel and choosing to not fight Sirius XM radio. They are holding him to a non compete after his brief stint on satellite radio ended abruptly after his ‘Spooky Matter’ Halloween show. But now news is coming from Bell that his fans–and competitors in a … Read moreThere could be an opening for someone who wants to be the next Art Bell

This is the latest GFS model run. If you’re driving anywhere you see blue and purple on the East Coat this Thanksgiving eve, get prepared. It may be a ‘planes, trains, and automobiles’ type of scenario for you, with snow ruining many people and their voyages.. BUT.. At this point computer guidance is still crazy… … Read more

The witching hour deal: 3am agreement signed to freeze key parts of Iran nuclear program

There are some historic developments taking place in Geneva today/tonight/now:  From the WASHINGTON POST report file this hour by Anne Gearan and Joby Warrick:  Iran and six major powers agreed early Sunday on an historic deal that freezes key parts of Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for temporary relief on some economic sanctions, diplomats confirmed. … Read moreThe witching hour deal: 3am agreement signed to freeze key parts of Iran nuclear program

Box Office: ‘Catching Fire’ Ablaze Friday With $70.5 Million

The good, the bad, and the ugly. HUNGER GAMES is setting some box office theaters on proverbial fire with a pre-Thanksgiving weekend romp.. It’s going to be a big movie when final numbers come out. Just in my little neck of the woods, the theater at the Schuylkill Mall in Frackville PA actually devoted all … Read moreBox Office: ‘Catching Fire’ Ablaze Friday With $70.5 Million