The comet of the century!!! So much for that. It appears that ISON may actually be breaking up and could potentially not make it around the sun intact. So that big light show? Gone. So now we are only left with three other comets if this occurs. The four horsemen of the apocalypse will potentially … Read more
Day: November 26, 2013
USA TODAY is going to stop publishing handout photos from the White House.
A massive sinkhole has developed in Bosnia, shocking those who see it, and pervading a seemingly peaceful countryside with a shocking image of how cruel the planet earth can be. The ASSOCIATED PRESS dispatch reports it this way: SANICA, Bosnia-Herzegovina — Just outside the rustic village, children fished in a tranquil pond bobbing with green … Read more
Judge Orders Release of Newtown 911 Recordings
Happy Thanksgiving, families of the victims. Judge Orders Release of Newtown 911 Recordings
A very bad santa. The Associated Press reports this: A man who played Santa Claus at a Massachusetts mall has been barred from the shopping center after he was charged with groping an 18-year-old woman playing an elf. Herbert Jones was released on $1,000 bail after pleading not guilty Monday to indecent assault and battery. … Read more
Newtown shooter Adam Lanza acted alone, had no clear motive, according to a new report
I saw some anger about this report–some of the families of those slain by Lanza appeared to be hostile to this report. One analysis I read said that it’s a detailed report and really did not have to be. The report in essence was only to determine if any more suspects should be arrested. It … Read moreNewtown shooter Adam Lanza acted alone, had no clear motive, according to a new report
The assassination of JFK upped heart attacks in Dallas Texas for years afterward..
Two Billy Joel songs unite.. JFK blown away.. and it will give you a heart attack-ack-ack-ack ack. You ought to know by now. The assassination of JFK upped heart attacks in Dallas Texas for years afterward..
It’s Mutley’s first snowstorm. My son loves looking at snow but doesn’t want much play in it. Ironically Mutley is the same .. He does, though , enjoy licking it off sidewalks. That is currently the one action that separates his enjoyment of snow from my son’s..
How to create awkward photos, 101: Put Pope Francis and Vlad the Impaler Putin front of the same camera.
The history of history in 2 minutes. (Source: