Ya’ll ready for this? More snow Tuesday where you see the blue on the map. Beginning to feel a lot like Christmas, I guess
Day: December 9, 2013
The reality of life hits you like a ton of bricks
I just wish fate and inevitability would give a few warning shots before they fire off..
Putin dissolves state news agency, tightens grip on Russia media
MOSCOW (Reuters) – President Vladimir Putin tightened his control over Russia’s media on Monday by dissolving the main state news agency and replacing it with an organization that is to promote Moscow’s Keep on rockin’ in the free world. Unless you’re in jail for doing so… Putin dissolves state news agency, tightens grip on Russia … Read morePutin dissolves state news agency, tightens grip on Russia media
Oh Gaga, you silly attention getter. Now you’re a Christmas tree. Can’t say you look bad though. Somehow a giant lopsided head of pine needles suits you just fine. Are you watering it regularly? MORE HERE.
TIME MAGAZINE will name its person of the year this week. Without having any inside information, I predict it will be Edward Snowden. Could be wrong. They may pick Miley. (She’s on the short list)
Icy days and Mondays always get me down
Christmas should not be as scary a season as Halloween, but this year it is. The calender is beginning to haunt me. Time always haunts me and fascinates me all the same. It is quick to leave, but slow to get here.. A strange parallel in some way, right? Nonetheless, I am watching the days … Read moreIcy days and Mondays always get me down
John B. Unwell
Here’s some ‘inside baseball’ for those who listen to late night paranormal radio. Well.. radio that used to be paranormal. Despite amazing bumper music and a voice for the midnight hour, Coast to Coast AM weekend host John B. Wells has been facing a growing amount of opposition to his hosting skills on the popular … Read moreJohn B. Unwell
Christmas is the time to keep your heart young.Good morning all.. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)