Icy days and Mondays always get me down

Christmas should not be as scary a season as Halloween, but this year it is. The calender is beginning to haunt me. Time always haunts me and fascinates me all the same. It is quick to leave, but slow to get here.. A strange parallel in some way, right? 

Nonetheless, I am watching the days tick away on the wall..  Christmas is approaching. 2014 is, too. 

Imagine! 2014!? I still recall those olden days of the 20th century when, in grade school and high school, I’d made jokes about the upcoming Armageddon that awaited civilization with the end of the Mayan Calender in 2012. Oh, those good old days.

Every day I look at my documents of time, I realize how much closer we are to the magical day when gifts are open and turkeys and hams are eaten–and how unprepared for the pagan celebration I truly am.

Hopefully that changes this week with a paycheck and some bargain outlets. And maybe a few nice stores in between..

Nothing too wild. After all, my son likes cardboard boxes better than the gifts they house at this point, anyway. Not sure if that same logic works for the rest of the family, though. It better be a really nice cardboard box..