Something extremely important happened this weekend–and few American news companies chose to do much reporting on it.  China landed a rover on the moon–and now the first photos are coming back.  I spent a little of Saturday night listening to Richard C. Hoagland, with his crazed white mane of luscious hair, espouse something odd beliefs … Read more

Murdoch’s NYPost Today Backs Michael Moore Bush-Saudi Claims from “Fahrenheit 911”

This may raise the temperature among many who slammed Michael Moore’s 2004 movie. Here is the actual NEW YORK POST story featuring the explosive opinion that there is a 9/11 cover up. Paul Sperry authors it. Here is  the quote worth reading from the POST story: President Bush inexplicably censored 28 full pages of the 800-page … Read moreMurdoch’s NYPost Today Backs Michael Moore Bush-Saudi Claims from “Fahrenheit 911”