The cross country Satanist murders…

This is a disturbing story (too close to my own home base as well for my comfort) ..

Nineteen-year-old Satanist Miranda Barbour said she and her 22-year-old husband killed a man in Port Treverton, PA in a sadistic way..

She also just gave an interview to the local newspaper, the DAILY ITEM, that quotes her commenting that she killed 22 people across the country so far in a Satanist romp.. 

She told the paper she can pinpoint them on a map and ‘stopped counting’ after 22 deaths..

According to the paper, the FBI has been inquiring into the case, giving some more credibility to her claims of multiple killings.. 

A disturbing read..  

The story is also making national attention due to her claims of multiple killings– and it is another example of why you should be very careful on Craigslist..