Big people. Little houses. A new idea: “Tiny houses” to end homelessness.. My quick take: It looks more like little dog houses, as though there is a new low in America.. that instead of trying to get better jobs in this nation, or industry, or good construction, we are going to promote the idea of … Read more
Month: February 2014
UK spy agency intercepted webcam images of millions of Yahoo users
Here we go, just the facts: • Optic Nerve program collected Yahoo webcam images in bulk• 1.8m users targeted by UK agency in six-month period alone• Yahoo: ‘A whole new level of violation of our users’ privacy’• Material included large quantity of sexually explicit images And MORE! GCHQ files dating between 2008 and 2010 explicitly state … Read moreUK spy agency intercepted webcam images of millions of Yahoo users
A brutal snowstorm in a winter-weary America is coming.. Monday may feature double digit totals of snow in a vast coverage area of the US..
I’ll take Crimean Tatars with my Crisis
The latest.. Which may be different by the time you finish reading. Russian fighter jets have been put on combat alert over tensions in Ukraine.. Now that the Winter Games have successfully concluded for Momma Russia, Vlad the Impaler is doing as he sees fit.. Including this provocative move: A Russian spy ship has docked … Read moreI’ll take Crimean Tatars with my Crisis
Russian spy ship docked in Havana
Russian spy ship docked in Havana
A quick and dirty penciled daily doodle…. Pretty awful, actually. It’s inspired by a snowy drive to work at a vast amount of MARIO playing with my son Ayden. Loops strikes..
Oscar Voter Reveals Brutally Honest Ballot
The Hollywood Reporter tells all.. Oscar Voter Reveals Brutally Honest Ballot
Apparently there’s a Weeble committing crimes in Minersville PA ..and police will find it.
You may have seen this–or heard this–before.. Best not to listen with your lights down.. The possible true story behind this audio is that it was a famous radio hijacking.. the alien sounds replace the classical music being played.. about two minutes into the clip, the female voice begins to rhythmically recite names of people … Read more
A Clyde Lewis show so good I may listen twice
I love Clyde Lewis. What can I say but that.. He’s an incredibly gifted radio personality.. he has the spirit of Art Bell and often the anger of Alex Jones, but is so much more talented than others who host nationally syndicated shows–especially those old ones with mustaches who attempt hosting.. Last night he had … Read moreA Clyde Lewis show so good I may listen twice