Getting off his train: The after death communication

After life communication

There is a really interesting documentary on VIMEO I watched called CALLING EARTH.. it’s a rough cut documentary about after death communication with the living.. And it’s worth a watch.

A few takeaway points that I had after seeing it:

  • It often seems that recordings of the dead appear to be recorded in some way.. For example, this documentary opens up to a woman hearing her dead daughter on a recording disciplining her dog—the girl was dead at the time it was recorded. Could it be that history just plays back over and over again in some way? that we are just … a movie or hologram that exists on a continuous loop?
  • The chilling idea of a dead person calling me and leaving a message on a voice mail is down right creepy. But … often times those who report it are overjoyed by the impact it has.. That ‘one last time’ to hear a voice of a deceased loved one..
  • If the dead are experienced using communication devices, why haven’t they mastered Facebook yet? Think of it: How many times have friends and family died, but their Facebook pages live on.. and in doing so, people continue to grieve, post messages and stories of the person’s life, and say how much they miss them. What if, one day, the dead find a way to communicate back? To “like” a post or even more, to respond?  The future is now.. so why haven’t the dead learned to use this one yet? Maybe the ‘get off my train guy’ from GHOST doesn’t have a computer …

And finally…when do we die anyway? We used to do the ole’ feather trick. Then we moved on to when the heart stopped.. now we are at a point where when the brain stops we believe someone is dead—believe. But with each modern discovery, it seems more and more likely that death will continue to be kicked further down the road..

Most scientists don’t believe in an afterlife—but some are beginning to wonder.. question.. And study.

Old paranormal fields that were confined to embarrassed circles of people hiding their investigations are now beginning to see the light of day, and the analysis of science.

Sometimes EVPs are simply what you think you’re hearing.. you may be so desperate for a message that you hear a muffled sound and suddenly think it’s your loved one saying hi from the netherworld. However, some EVPs are without a doubt filled with clear-cut audio that is simple and unforgivingly real.

Even if it’s not real.. it’s real to the person who heard what they heard…

Give the documentary a whirl during your spare moments in life. It may answer questions, bring closure, but even better: Make you wonder, ponder, think and quake at the prospects that there’s something far greater than an monumental accident leading to the creation of matter and all that matters.