When weather models dash dreams

My son is going to wake up for day care in about 20 minutes. In his perfect world he would have not , though.. See, even though Ayden is three and a half, he gets it. He understands the excitement and buzz created by snowstorm hype.. he knows that workers at his day care were unusually happy yesterday–he even told us why: They were actively speaking of a day off because of a monster snow storm that would hit.

So last night, around 7pm when it was not snowing.. I figured it wasn’t going to.. weather models seemingly got this one very, very wrong. At least for my little region of Pennsylvania..

Days ago, 6 to 12 inches were predicted.
This morning: It’s cold, windy.. and dry as could be. The only reminder that precipitation even occurred are wet pavements and puddles of rain that never changed to frozen liquid.

Ayden may not be happy.. but the high schoolers among us will be even worse off.

I hated these days–those storms where forecasters botched things up beyond wildest expectations and dreams were dashed of days off.. School is on for all of those kids who expected 6 inches of road blocking bus stopping snow. 

I hated these mornings as a student.. 
I trust my son Ayden will as well, along with anyone else reading this who expected a snow day.

Good news may be that the storm is just developing differently than first expected.. I am forecast to get some snow tonight into tomorrow. So .. heads up: Buses could still be affected in the very near future.