The war on Krampus. News from Ohio this year.. A homeowner is making news after reporting to the world that his township is telling him to take down his zombie nativity scene.. The owner of the scene also has a haunted house called 13 ROOMS OF DOOM… And he believes his first amendment rights are being violated..

The war on Krampus. News from Ohio this year.. A homeowner is making news after reporting to the world that his township is telling him to take down his zombie nativity scene.. The owner of the scene also has a haunted house called 13 ROOMS OF DOOM… And he believes his first amendment rights are being violated..

The fight before Christmas.. This scene was one of chaos.. police attempted crowd control after a fatal shooting near Ferguson.. Another fatal shooting near Ferguson.. accoridng tom reports, an 18-year-old pointed a hand gun at a police officer.. he was shot. The protesters say that the brutality aspect entered when police failed to call for … Read more

The fight before Christmas.. This scene was one of chaos.. police attempted crowd control after a fatal shooting near Ferguson.. Another fatal shooting near Ferguson.. accoridng tom reports, an 18-year-old pointed a hand gun at a police officer.. he was shot. The protesters say that the brutality aspect entered when police failed to call for … Read more

After all that.. SONY will show THE INTERVIEW in ‘select theaters’ Christmas.. Call me a kooky conspiracy nut, but I offer up the following premise, only based on hunches and a windy tale of a spider web of oddities.. THE INTERVIEW was getting really bad press.. and awful reviews. Most who saw it said it … Read more

The Next Big Social Idea: Unconditional Basic Income

The fundamental theory behind this new social idea: Unconditional Basic Income. The UBI is a monthly monetary income granted every month, unconditionally, by a political community to each of its members from birth. Depending on the nation, in Europe and the U.S. it would probably be $2,500 per adult and $1,500 per child. It must … Read moreThe Next Big Social Idea: Unconditional Basic Income