The movie of the year–but not because it’s good

The INTERVIEW was never released.. but somehow, someway, it became the biggest film of the entire year. We were told that hackers from a group called THE GUARIDIANS OF PEACE stole a whole bunch of SONY inside information.. and then rumors began to circulate on the interwebs that the group was connected to North Korea. After the GOP found out people thought they were performing state sponsored cyber terrorism, they began to do just that, and threatened SONY with a 9/11 style attack on movie theaters if the film THE INTERVIEW got released.. The one problem: Few security experts–the real ones, not the fake talking head versions on the nightly news–don’t think SONY was hacked by North Korea at all! Some even went on to believe that was the biggest publicity stunt to avert eyes from the hateful messages between SONY executives ever pulled. Either way, SONY lost. Their movie was pulled by theaters and decided to end the ad campaign..

Perhaps the other side of this odd coin is this: Most of the people who actually saw the movie said it was the least funny and dumbest movie ever made. Perhaps SONY is counting their blessing.. the real bomb in the theater would have been completely cinematic were this film to have been given to the public for consumption on Christmas day..