Star Wars: Resellers want up to $10,000 for opening night tickets

EW REPORTS: Across eBay and Craigslist, ticket-holders for opening night screenings of Star Wars: The Force Awakens on Dec. 17 are trying to pawn their seats for exorbitant amounts. 
There’s the $1,000 tickets for a 3D showing at 10:20 p.m. in Los Angeles, $750 tickets for a IMAX 7 p.m. show in Austin, a whopping $8,000 package for a Force Awakens event in Orlando (which includes just one ticket), and countless others. 

Countless many will fall for the hijacking of hard earned wages.. Money to burn and a Jedi to watch..
Star Wars fever about to hit in time for Christmas ..
At a high price.

Star Wars: Resellers want up to $10,000 for opening night tickets