Creepier than Google Glass? A third eye in the middle of your head

CNET reporting “There’s a camera permanently strapped in the middle of your head. It’s on a headband. The camera has got autofocus and is high-definition. Whenever you want to take a picture, you tap the headband. You can even post directly to your favorite social medium.” Someone needs to watch BLACK MIRROR to get a … Read moreCreepier than Google Glass? A third eye in the middle of your head


Study MAY have found evidence of alternate and parallel universes » It’s all theoretical at this point.. This story linked is getting an amazing amount of attention. Even the Drudge Report linked it. That seals the deal for an article, despite the media’s dislike of his style, they crave his attention. This from USA TODAY’s … Read moreBIG BANG(S): PARALLEL UNIVERSES WITH LOTS OF PRESS COVERAGE

A Tapeworm With Cancer Gave Its Tumors to Someone

From NBCNEWS: “We were amazed when we found this new type of disease — tapeworms growing inside a person essentially getting cancer that spreads to the person, causing tumors,” said Dr. Atis Muehlenbachs, a pathologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who helped figure out what happened. “In January 2013, a 41-year-old man … Read moreA Tapeworm With Cancer Gave Its Tumors to Someone

A solar flare briefly disabled radar at Sweden’s largest airports on Wednesday causing significant flight delays, the Civil Aviation Authority (LFV) said.

This goes to the danger I wrote about last night.. We should unite as a world and actually have a common sense of future thought.. And plan of action to prevent virtual Armageddon if the big flare actually hits. A solar flare briefly disabled radar at Sweden’s largest airports on Wednesday causing significant flight delays, … Read moreA solar flare briefly disabled radar at Sweden’s largest airports on Wednesday causing significant flight delays, the Civil Aviation Authority (LFV) said.

Why It Was Easier to Be Skinny in the 1980s

There’s a meme aimed at Millennial catharsis called “Old Economy Steve.” It’s a series of pictures of a late-70s teenager, who presumably is now a middle-aged man, that mocks some of the messages Millennials say they hear from older generations—and shows why they’re deeply janky. Old Economy Steve graduates and gets a job right away. … Read moreWhy It Was Easier to Be Skinny in the 1980s


I have been paying a lot of attention over all of my web presence on this site blogging and clogging up the networks about solar flares and the like.. Last night (did not see them) and tonight, there is a chance that northern lights will be as low as my state of Pennsylvania.. that’s a big … Read moreA MAJOR SOLAR FLARE CAUSING LOW NORTHERN LIGHTS.. AND A PLAN FROM OBAMA?