Father and son photographic reunion..

When I was 3 and a half, I was featured in a book. There was a full-spread page with a photo of me leaning up against a borehole in the town of Centralia, smoke was billowing from the background and a group of teenagers were running from the camera–one may have been my brother. The … Read moreFather and son photographic reunion..

The United States is hitting North Korea with a new set of economic sanctions after determining the country was behind last month’s computer hack at Sony. I am still not buying this. I think the real story is that this is a former Sony employee on the inside

My first daily doodle of the year, and hopefully the first of many. I sort of slacked last year on this category… This is a dramatic artistic representation of my New Year’s eve. I spent two hours at the Hershey casino, while it was a good time, I saw scenes, people, and mullets with the … Read more