Trevor Noah begins his DAILY SHOW career.. A few samplings of thoughts online: THE WASHINGTON POST:   There’s no way to judge a brand new “Daily Show” on the strength or weakness of a single episode, especially since we’re talking about 20 minutes of material (subtract all of the commercials for “The Walk”). But after … Read more

ABC NEWS: The Shocking Dangers of High School Football // MORE: New Jersey high school star quarterback Evan Murray died of an abdominal hemorrhage caused by a lacerated spleen.

And this reporting from FOX NEWS on the subject: A star New Jersey high school quarterback who collapsed and died after receiving a heavy hit during a Friday night football game was a victim of internal bleeding caused by a ruptured spleen, an autopsy revealed Monday. Morris County Medical Examiner Ronald Suarez noted in his … Read moreABC NEWS: The Shocking Dangers of High School Football // MORE: New Jersey high school star quarterback Evan Murray died of an abdominal hemorrhage caused by a lacerated spleen.

ISIS cracks down on school playgrounds to enforce gender separation of parents – report

Reporting from RT:  The Islamic State morality police Hesbah targeted playgrounds in the city of Mayadin in the eastern Deir ez-Zor province, local sources told the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Several men and women were arrested by ISIS gunmen “for not abiding by Islamic rules on dress.” A similar crackdown on playgrounds was … Read moreISIS cracks down on school playgrounds to enforce gender separation of parents – report

BATTLE OF THE NATIONS: PUTIN VS OBAMA AT THE UN OVER SYRIA // World leaders including Barack Obama, Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, Raul Castro and Robert Mugabe speak at 70th UN General Assembly in New York

BATTLE OF THE NATIONS: PUTIN VS OBAMA AT THE UN OVER SYRIA // World leaders including Barack Obama, Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, Raul Castro and Robert Mugabe speak at 70th UN General Assembly in New York


This was the mathish problem I asked last night on my personal Facebook page.. the answers I received were humorous.. But it showcased that the underbelly of humanity yesterday was excited by the prospect that we found water on Mars–water that is flowing.  The choice answers included ice cream, ‘humans,’ aliens, and my favorite, ‘how we got … Read moreWater+Mars=?

Everyone loved the supermoon, but all they got were these lousy photos

The iPhone is the main blame for wretched photos of the supermoon last night.. Truly a breathtaking moment ruined by photography at its worst at night. I’d imagine the people of 2033, during the next blood moon eclipse , will get a mighty chuckle is the current batch of photos still exists. Everyone loved the … Read moreEveryone loved the supermoon, but all they got were these lousy photos