Heartbreak and shock over drowned Syrian boy attempting to escape his country’s horror 

   The headline of the Drudge Report is shocking. Drudge published the shocking photo of a shocking cover story from the UK INDEPENDENT … The image shows a Syrian boy, drowned and dead face down..  After the image was published, it has been shared around the word millions of times over.. He was three. His … Read moreHeartbreak and shock over drowned Syrian boy attempting to escape his country’s horror 

Tetrad -idatious over September offerings 

This month is THE month for many.. the month of doom. The month of blood moons.. the month of Papal lunacy. The month of potential prophetic biblical fulfillment. Or maybe.. just September for others.     Unless you’ve lived under a tin-foil covered rock, you have heard about the endless amounts of websites and blogs portraying … Read moreTetrad -idatious over September offerings 

Famous last words and midlife turns 

On a yearly basis I post the song linked with this published HORROR REPORT today, September 2, 2015. My birthday.. I don’t remind readers of this for selfish reasons. As a matter of fact, I purposely ‘hide’ this information on my personal Facebook page simply because I don’t want to navigate the ‘Happy birthday” or … Read moreFamous last words and midlife turns 

Famous last words and midlife turns 

On a yearly basis I post the song linked with this published HORROR REPORT today, September 2, 2015. My birthday.. I don’t remind readers of this for selfish reasons. As a matter of fact, I purposely ‘hide’ this information on my personal Facebook page simply because I don’t want to navigate the ‘Happy birthday” or … Read moreFamous last words and midlife turns 

The harvest: Missing people in the modern era 

I read MISSING 411 in about one day. That’s not to say David Paulides’ book was a lackluster effort at entertainment, but just the opposite. I could not put it down, with each page offering thought provoking tale after another about missing people, cases of the extraordinary, and unbelievable stories about people who vanished. There … Read moreThe harvest: Missing people in the modern era 

The harvest: Missing people in the modern era 

SOME DEEP THOUGHTS ON DAVID PAULIDES’ NEWEST BOOK. AND GEORGE KNAPP’S COMMENTS ABOUT IT I read MISSING 411 in about one day. That’s not to say David Paulides’ book was a lackluster effort at entertainment, but just the opposite. I could not put it down, with each page offering thought provoking tale after another about … Read moreThe harvest: Missing people in the modern era