This was an alley with houses in Centralia in 1986 when we moved…
This was an alley with houses in Centralia in 1986 when we moved out. The alley as it exists today looks very different. (at Centralia Coal Fire)
This was an alley with houses in Centralia in 1986 when we moved out. The alley as it exists today looks very different. (at Centralia Coal Fire)
The Matrix moment.. Ever have one? I did yesterday.. Let me begin by saying this: I recently had a chance to view ‘virtual reality’ in my friend’s headset. It was amazing. I was traveling in a car with Lebron James… I even played basketball with him. The footage inside the headset is unbelievable.. when you … Read moreThe Matrix Moment
U.S. Adults Consume an Entire Hour More of Media Per Day Than They Did Just Last Year : It indeed is a sea change.. Who could have predicted this about 10 years ago.. or heck even five years ago: U.S. adults spent 10 hours, 39 minutes a day consuming media in the first quarter of … Read moreU.S. Adults Consume an Entire Hour More of Media Per Day Than They Did Just Last Year
Reading this amazing book about autism allied NEOTRIBES by Steve Silberman.. This is my favorite page his far.. I have family with autism who exemplify the descriptions to a tee ..
Sounds like a fun weekend.
What Particle X would mean for physics: For those who care or understand, there may soon be an announcement that shreds the old world of information and replaces it with a new one.. “This is by far the most exciting thing that has happened in particle physics over the last three decades. If this hint … Read moreWhat Particle X would mean for physics
The latest solar image is completely spotless for the second time this month.. Something perhaps even scarier than giant CMEs…a sign without a spot. Despite hype, doom and gloom, the maximum hasn’t been that much of a max.. And the minimum set for 2019 may just come a bit early..
Does President Barack Obama support basic income?: Love the idea or hate the idea.. We have been talking about it as a future shock possibility for years. A time when robotics have taken over the manufacturing and service economies.. I have a strange and silly notion that the wage floor could actually be quite a … Read moreDoes President Barack Obama support basic income?
The park is in my back yard, almost literally..We get there as many times a year as we can. This year, with my son Ayden being 5 and going on 25 in his intelligence, he has finally opened his world up to more there.. The rides. The kfun. The kfanstasy. The kfood? Well he is … Read moreA much needed homage to Knoebels.
The park is in my back yard, almost literally..We get there as many times a year as we can. This year, with my son Ayden being 5 and going on 25 in his intelligence, he has finally opened his world up to more there.. The rides. The kfun. The kfanstasy. The kfood? Well he is … Read moreThe kfantasy you need in the ksummer