U.S. Adults Consume an Entire Hour More of Media Per Day Than They Did Just Last Year

U.S. Adults Consume an Entire Hour More of Media Per Day Than They Did Just Last Year :

It indeed is a sea change.. Who could have predicted this about 10 years ago.. or heck even five years ago:

U.S. adults spent 10 hours, 39 minutes a day consuming media in the first quarter of 2016. That’s up a full hour from the first quarter of 2015, and it’s thanks to a substantial increase in smartphone and tablet usage, according to Nielsen’s Q1 2016 Total Audience Report.

But for all of these changes, all of this ‘progress,’ are we smarter? More informed? Better off?

You can decide that one.

We just know this: TEEVEEis dead .. long live TEE VEE