The pursuits of a weekend on hold from a flu

My son has not been sick for almost 6 months in full. We escape the winter without a fever.. we had a little mini throat issue late 16 but for the most part.

And now the weather is starting to clear.. the sun is out.
And a 102 fever arrived with several bouts of Saturday afternoon regurgitation..

I feel like we have been lucky. Ayden’s body fought off a season of friends who were ill, and viral infections that spread through school… 

The sun is shining today. He is napping again after waking up a little too early.
And the rest, soon, will be history.
He is angry he is sick. At the age of 6 now he realizes that life will be filled with such things.. A virus slows you .. it’s the body’s way of purging a bug that just should not be there.. 

Hope your collective weekends have been better … enjoy the last months of Sunday as the minutes float away through space and time.

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