scarystoriestouploadinthedark: On the radar: Kevin Smith…


On the radar: Kevin Smith shooting a horror moving titled KILLROY WAS HERE.. Some of the filming took place at a Florida college..

A little bit of history about KILLROY WAS HERE: The phrase “Kilroy Was Here” originated in American culture as graffiti during World War II as a bald-headed man with a big nose peeking over a wall with the fingers of each hand clutching the wall. Smith said the new film will be the first installment of a horror anthology.. Even more: Author Charles Panati says that in the United States “the mischievous face and the phrase became a national joke… 

The outrageousness of the graffiti was not so much what it said, but where it turned up.”[2] The major Kilroy graffiti fad ended in the 1950s, but today people all over the world still scribble the character and “Kilroy was here” in schools, trains, and other public areas. It is believed that James J. Kilroy was the origin of the expression, as he used the phrase when checking ships at the Fore River Shipyard in Massachusetts during WWII..

I would love to hear if anyone knows anything further about the phrase..


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