Yesterday Roger Stone appeared on Alex Jones’ Infowars to announce he spoke to President Trump about the secret JFK documents. Stone told Trump they should be released to the public, despite the CIA and other alphabet agencies asserting their opposition..

Today on Twitter, Trump made the call: “Subject to the receipt of further information, I will be allowing, as President, the long blocked and classified JFK FILES to be opened.”

Only 16 hours ago, media sources proclaimed that Trump would block the release.

But instead, decades of secrecy is about to occur..

Detractors on Twitter have already attacked Trump for releasing these long secret documents, saying it is a diversion from Russia and asking why Trump did not release his tax returns if he believes in transparency..

Congress mandated in 1992 *(if you were alive and well then you’ll recall the Oliver Stone movie JFK that led to the public outrage at the time) that all assassination documents be released within 25 years, unless the president asserts that doing so would harm intelligence, law enforcement, military operations or foreign relations. The still-secret documents include more than 3,000 that have never been seen by the public and more than 30,000 that have been released previously, but with redactions.    JFK scholars believe the trove of files may provide insight into assassin Lee Harvey Oswald’s trip to Mexico City weeks before the killing, during which he visited the Soviet and Cuban embassies. Oswald’s stated reason for going was to get visas that would allow him to enter Cuba and the Soviet Union, according to the Warren Commission, the investigative body established by President Lyndon B. Johnson, but much about the trip remains unknown. Kennedy experts also hope to see the full report on Oswald’s trip to Mexico City from staffers of the House committee that investigated the assassination..

In this world, coincidences do not seem to exist anymore. This week, Barack Obama, John McCain, and then George W. Bush all made public pronouncements of distain of the Trump era. Bush was the strongest of all, proclaiming that bullies shouldn’t have the pulpit and that we can not descend from nationalism into nativism and racial divide. 

There are even conspiracy theories promoted by people such as Jerome Corsi who wrote previous books about a potential Bush involvement.. even one thought alleging that Bush senior was actually standing in front of the Texas School book depository, despite his historical non-ablity to recall where he was the day that JFK was killed..

This new action from Trump? …what if this is a response not only to the establishment but also Bush himself? W.’s father’s name, unless blacked out, may show up in more than a few of these JFK documents. 

Will truth set America free? 
Or will the documents set the world on fire..?

How redacted will October 26 be?

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