North Korea launched the missile at around 3am local time (6pm GMT), sparking a furious response from Seoul. Within minutes of North Korea’s ICBM launch, South Korea had fired its own missile launch in retaliation. The North Korean missile was fired eastwards from the hermit state. The missile landed about 210km west of Japan’s Kyurokujima island, … Read moreNORTH KOREA BECOMING A NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS

RED FRIDAY: Could we have seen the last days of shopping madness

For years it was one of my favorite post-Thanksgiving day traditions: Late at night, going to a mall or local Walmart … watching the madness. Watching the arguments.. seeing people at a high-pitched fever of turkey-filled daze.. as they graze on products from aisle to aisle. Searching for the perfect ‘something’ that would light up … Read moreRED FRIDAY: Could we have seen the last days of shopping madness

DRUMSTICK gets his Thanksgiving pardon

Today Donald Trump did what any other president does this time of year: He pardoned a turkey in Thanksgiving tradition. And thought a typical day in the life of President produces odd Tweets and awkward photo ops, today seemingly went off without a hitch. This is how Matt Flagenheimer kept record of the events at … Read moreDRUMSTICK gets his Thanksgiving pardon

The odd cultural fascination with Charles Manson

The HUFFINGTON POST writes this: “Hybristophilia is a sexual disorder in which arousal is contingent on being with a partner who has committed an outrage, such as rape, torture or murder,” Katherine Ramsland, a professor of forensic psychology at DeSales University and the author of The Forensic Psychology of Criminal Minds, explained in an interview with HuffPost. But hybristophilia isn’t always … Read moreThe odd cultural fascination with Charles Manson

Midnight fading on the desert? Heather Wade posts ominous message

MIDNIGHT IN THE DESERT host Heather Wade posted what appears to be a potentially ominous message for fans of the late night radio show..She wrote that she is unsure how long the program may last. She gave a heartfelt thank you to all who gave support.. and finally finished by saying it was the most … Read moreMidnight fading on the desert? Heather Wade posts ominous message