Making the table great again? Food fears on the eve of Thanksgiving

Contamination abounds!

There have been some weird oddities with the American food supply on the eve of the holiday where feasts and over abundance of decadent food eating takes place.

Thanksgiving this year seems to be marred by meats that are filled with salmonella.. lettuce that is wrecked with E Coli.. toxins that are time bombs on tables.

Yesterday Donald Trump did that odd yearly photo-op that presidents do: He pardoned a turkey.
But I bed your pardon: In 2018, your Thanksgiving feast can kill you.

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This seems to be the culmination of a few months of fear over the food supply. But most people don’t seem to be reacting with much fanfare or shock.. it’s more of a slow burn rather than major apocalypse. Even the recent announcement that the CDC made to not only throw away lettuce but also WASH your entire refrigerator with bleach (really) did not seem to register much on social media. My local grocery store kept lettuce on the shelves at least until today.. the CDC told every American in this nation to throw away even single leaf of lettuce. Stop eating. Evacuate your refrigeration device! But restaurants across America seem to be serving Cesar salads without worry…..?

But it is not just the greens..

Last Friday the CDC added raw turkey to its warning about a multidrug-resistant Salmonella outbreak.

Earlier this month, Jennie-O Turkey Store Sales, LLC, recalled over 45 tons of raw ground turkey products.

Arizona and federal health and agriculture workers suspect the outbreak is wider than just that batch, so they are trying to trace the rest of the outbreak starting from a known infected package found in a Salmonella patient’s home.

Think about this when you gobble til your wobble: “A single, common supplier of raw turkey products or of live turkeys has not been identified that can account for all the illnesses in this outbreak,” the CDC says in its alert.

So maybe … dessert is still safe?


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Earlier in November, Duncan Hines recalled several cake mixes! The recall covered Classic White, Classic Yellow, Butter Golden and Confetti.

So far we are ditching the bird. We aren’t going vegan.. and we are avoiding dessert.. Maybe it’s time to turn back to red meat for the feast?


Image result for ground beef e coli

October also saw recalls of ground beef and curry powders. JBS Tolleson, Inc. has recalled a whopping 3,250 tons of ground beef.

Fine. Maybe I will stick or cereal…….

…..and on that note?

Cap'n Crunch cereal recalled due to possible salmonella

It could be a breakfast option — or a late night snack.Quaker Oats is voluntarily recalling some boxes of Cap’n Crunch Peanut Butter Crunch cereal because of potential salmonella contamination……………

Meat without mercy.. leaking lettuce.. toxins in turkey! Not to drum up food paranoia, but isn’t this timing and amount of recall just plain frightening?

Even the Cap’n!

So today Sarah Michelle Gellar got a lot of heat for posting a photo of herself in nearly not much clothing with a joke caption that it is a reminder not to overeat on Thanksgiving…And she took quite a bit if heat for it as well for what some labeled as “fat shaming.”

But when you start trudging through the long recall list, maybe her message should be heard loud and clear..