In with the new.. out with the Wii

I have a secret little room where an old Wii still sits.. at times it collects dust. There are other moments when it is a refuge from the new world, I can still hook up an old Rock Band guitar circa 2009 and play the night away.

Let the good times roll.

It’s also the room where I typically write most of what you see on Coal Speaker.. there are times when the room, fitted without windows to be dark regardless of the time of day I write, is filled with noises from Netflix.

The old gray mare ain’t what she used to be.. Nintendo has long shut down the other apps on the Wii, like the weather or news feature. But Netflix stuck around..

As a matter of fact, as I write this, episode 7 of the second season of MAKING A MURDERER is playing in the background..

All of this coming to a screeching halt for the stalwarts like me who use old technology for both nostalgic and practical purposes..

This notice from Nintendo, and one I saw firsthand when I fired up the old Wii tonight:

“Unfortunately, Nintendo will suspend all video streaming services on Wii – including the Netflix Channel – after January 30, 2019,” reads the notice.

It’s over.

The decade of Wii (the original) comes to an end.. in a sense even the WiiU was a failed venture considering that you can hardly find a game that was ever really good ..

Nintendo is game on its Switch.
There are some rumors that the Switch will allow Netflix before the cut off date for the Wii.

But I don’t have a switch.. I have a Wii. A WiiU. And a Playstation 4  (and an original Nintendo that still works with the right amount of rubbing alcohol).. and quite frankly, for some bizarre reason, the original Wii still remains my favorite..
Maybe it’s that calm music? Maybe that silent but yet pensive sound the system created .. in a dark room with no windows..
Minus the apps.
Minus Netflix..
….minus it all.
Just the music……

As the past fades to black..