“Thinking ahead for the 80’s” the computer ad claims.

Wonder how many people got the 10 megabyte computer for Christmas when Jimmy Carter was still president!?

I came across this old computer AD and had to share..

“Thinking ahead for the 80’s” the ad claims. The epic screen size!
The epic price, $6000 for the cutting edge machine of the time..


The IMSAI Series Two is a personal computer which combines modern hardware with the original IMSAI 8080 hardware and case, with the original front panel LEDs and switches.

The Series Two supports USB and Ethernet and is a co-operative development from Howard Harte (Harte Technologies LLC.) and Thomas Fischer (Fischer-Freitas Company). Several options are available for the IMSAI Series Two, such as a Mini Drive enclosure for external drives.

And think of the price, it would have set you back $5,995, which equates to $17,311.65 in our current dollars.