Fink’s fate: Howard Finkel dead at 69

Most professional wrestling fans and observers will recall that voice.. The Fink, as Bobby Heenan would joke from the announcer’s booth..

Stephanie McMahon revealed news today that legendary WWE hall of fame announcement Howard Finkel is dead at 69.


McMahon noted that that Finkel was WWE’s first employee..

And this moment from January  1976 was his debut:

Another great moment came from 1999 when Finkel jokingly did an Ultimate Warrior impersonation on Monday Night RAW


To show the popularity of Finkel during the golden age of wrestling, the 1980s, watch this Wresltemania 2 announcement as Finkel announced the complete lineup.. The audience quietly and respectfully listened to every word..


information on his death has not been circulated at press time.. But Finkel made entertainment headlines several months ago when he returned to Monday Night RAW after suffering a stroke. 
