*Every year since 1999, I have done a year in review and set of predictions for the coming year — 20 years now of very right and awfully wrong sets of prognostications for the year to come. 2019’s set may have been the worst yet. THE WORST.
But just for fun…join me for a midsummer night’s dream.. A refuge from our daily news, and a Mid-Year review of the year I imagined back at the end of ’19..
This… Is what would have been if those predictions were right!
Mid 2020, we are only 5 months until Thanksgiving.. 6 months from the Christmas Holiday shopping mania!
And with the economy doing so well, unemployment at its lowest in generations, this year will surely be one of the boldest and happiest holidays in decades. Not sure how malls will fare, they are doing so well despite the massive amount of consumer spending..
As we move towards November, it surely looks like Donald Trump may do even better than what some pundits believe. Bernie Sanders won an incredible primary upset against the establishment this this past cycle.. Odds are that he is going to choose Andrew Yang as his VP. While Yang may add some additional excitement to the Sanders ticket, their competing ideas of ‘federal government jobs’ vs ‘basic income’ may come under a spotlight.
Meanwhile, Trump has packed rallies throughout key electoral states since January, showing the enthusiasm of his base.
But Bernie has caused so much enthusiasm among the youth who want change, and with Yang by his side, it could be a truly amazing race for the rest of the year!
Either way, it appears this will NOT be a close election.
Trump’s campaign may be bolstered by the Summer Olympics. He plans on attending the opening and closing ceremonies. It appears that the USA may be poised to a major gold medal haul..
The conventions next will test the enthusiasm for each candidate, as the floors will be packed with people more like sardines than humans!
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Strange to consider, despite a controversial election, how usually devoid of activity social media has been as of late.. People have seemingly moved away from those platforms … the alpha generation is slowly moving into other areas.. Social media has lost its influence, just as my prediction stated…
But .. it’s still good for modern media and entertainment.
Such as the buildup to Stranger Things 4, which is set to debut around election day 2020! With no major delays in production, we will see how the group ends up finding yet another threat from the upside down and defeating it.. The election day debut may cause some to stay home from the polls!
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This year New Englands’ Patriot Star TOM BRADY decided that the Super Bowl win in February was not enough.. he just renewed his contract to play yet another year of football for the team..
This year’s exciting baseball season has perhaps been so edge-of-the-seat cliffhanging that it’s tough to even think of football season–Go Boston!!–but the autumn is coming soon.. And football yet again will be returning with packed stadiums and the fanfare it deserves!
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