Before you read on.. yes we know. It sometimes snows in April. Heck, sometimes even in May.. Back in 1816 it snowed in June!
But this morning, April fools day, many of us woke up to a blanket of new fallen fluffy onion snow. It quickly melted at sunrise and the rest was history.. No matter how much fell, it became a memory in no time, despite the unusually cold April day..
Funny enough, we went back in time .. 100 years ago today. April fools 1921..
A headline in the Pottsville REPUBLICAN: A snowstorm was being reported! The HERALD declared that it was not an April Fool joke,,
“We had our April showers in March. Now will we have our May flowers in April or will it work the other way and give us March winds and sleet for April?”
Mother nature gets the 100 year itch. Snow on a fools day for the foolish inhabitants, to give ’em somethin to talk about.