Iran’s only nuclear power plant has undergone an unexplained temporary emergency shutdown, state TV reported on Sunday…
Relying more on the official ‘government’ word about this: An official from state electric company Tavanir, Gholamali Rakhshanimehr, said on a talk show that the Bushehr plant shutdown began on Saturday and would last “for three to four days.”
Without elaborating, he said that power outages could result.
Here is more we know from official reporting: This is the first time Iran has reported an emergency shutdown of the plant, located in the southern port city of Bushehr.
It went online in 2011 with help from Russia. Iran is required to send spent fuel rods from the reactor back to Russia as a nuclear nonproliferation measure…
Most of the media is still not reporting much on Bushehr .. BUT they also have not reported on another still developing incident at the Taishan nuclear plant in China..
Just as some are beginning to speculate about what is occurring in Iran right now, there is some more information developing as to what occurred in China..
This is coming from French news: EDF confirms a radioactive gas leak in China’s Taishan nuclear power plant
This is what the world somewhat knows: China’s reported damage to its fuel rods, and while China says they have it under control, there are speculations that the US government is investigating a possible radiation leak..
For the most part, American media has been largely silent about this ongoing potential crisis.. The White House released a statement days ago that they were monitoring but no further word has occurred since.
