UPDATE December 31.. when we wrote this Pope Benedict was still alive. That changed today .. madness continued.

Remember back in 2021 as the year ended, Betty White passed away? It was tragic and tumultuous.. at the time we all just chalked it up to a wretched year. Good riddance to that year, right?
So 2022 didn’t get much better, did it?
And as the year ends–again–we are gasping at the breadth of madness and chaos in just one day.
So much news at once. So many big headlines thrown at our brains at one time. Information overload.

Just consider this.. within the previous 24 hours, soccer great Pele, news great Barbara Walters, and Youtube early great Beener Cahill all died. Along with that Andrew Tate got into a fight with Greta Thunberg and he ate pizza and got arrested for human trafficking. Meanwhile the Stock Market crashed and 2022 became the worst year for markets since 2008. As that occurred Bryan Christopher Kohberger was arrested in the Pennsylvania Poconos for the murder of four college students at the University of Idaho in November. And oh of course not to be outdone, Geisinger had an active shooting and death tonight in a parking lot while the hospital, as a result, had to go on campus-wide lockdown./
All in one day.
Lots of news happens in one day all across the world. But today, at this moment, seemed overwhelming.
Perhaps it’s because we are trained to go into holiday mode as big days arrive. Christmas last week and now new years this weekend. It should get slower, there should be boundaries to crises. But news and events that take place don’t have play books or date calendars even though we do..
The timeline is ticking–we are running out of space for 2022.
Good riddance, right?
Within hours we will all sing Auld Lang Syne..
Speaking of Auld Lang Syne.. did you ever ponder what exactly we sing each New Years day during the first minute? Here is a good TikTok video that showcases what the song should be sung as with modern times and not the traditional Scottish verse.. listen and weep.
For Auld Lang Syne……