Mark Patton, who played Jesse from Nightmare on Elm Street part 2, was diagnosed with AIDS on his 40th birthday in 1999..
Today his manager has set up a go fund me to help pay for his medical bills as the virus takes on Patton..
The 63-year-old’s manager, Peter Valderrama, made a GoFundMe page for the actor Thursday, claiming Patton has “been ill for quite some time now” in Mexico, where he lives, with what was initially thought to be side effects of COVID-19, but has since been deemed “quite clearly AIDS-related ailments.”
Valderrama continues, “Mark is currently in a Mexican hospital where they speak very little English- and they are completely overcome with covid cases there. He needs to be transported to an American hospital down there where he can be receive more specialized care in a safer setting. For this, we humbly need to ask for help.”
Patton writes in his own words, “I just want to be healthy and at home with family. I need to move to American Hospital in Mexico where they can give me the treatment I desperately need. The American Hospital is $300 dollars a day with nurses, doctors and meds. The Mexican hospital are overwhelmed with Covid and I am too compromised to remain here.
“I have faced these medical challenges before and I know I have a lot of fight left in me- but the last few years have been crippling for me financially. I have always lived month to month and I have been struggling with medical visits since October. If anyone is able to contribute it would mean a life saving option for me to be recovering in a place that can cater to my condition.”
If you’re able to help out, you can donate over on Go Fund Me now.