ANY NEWS OUT THERE POSTING IMAGES OR FOOTAGE OF LINES? Those lines if they even exist during the early hours of Black Friday are nothing at all like they used to be.
Black Friday, the historically profitable shopping day that compels us out of our houses and retailers into the black, is over as we knew it.
You were able to sense it for a few years.. and then last year it really hit everyone. No lines. No fights.. nothing.
After all of these years, Black Friday has become a shadow of what it once was..
Like 20 years ago in 2004 when we spoke about fights in aisles:

Or 9 years ago in 2015 when we showcased amazing imagery of Black Friday bashings:

The saddest part is those who are less than age 19 or 20 may not even recall the ‘good old days.’ But before you lament too much, let’s not forget those good old days were often embarrassing, and results from Black Friday were often such we would be lectured by media moguls about the plight and fall of America. But .. wow.. those malls were packed, weren’t they?
All of this is not to say that corporations won’t make money and that people are done Christmas shopping. Quite the opposite. Companies have slickly entered the market place of ideas in the tech era, making often even larger profits than when we all got in cars and went to malls. But what we will lack are the fun images.. the frivolity of fights and battle scars cash register wars. Those days are gone.
Was it COVID? Was it inevitable? And …will it one day come back?
Until it does.. we only have nostalgia and memories.. Imagery of times now completely sealed in the trash heap of history.
But thanks to modern tech we can look at the old world and see what we once were.