Pottsville, PA, neighbors mourn loss of life after Mother’s Day Fire

This story hits me hard–and lots of other people in my area. Fires happen every day. But on Mother’s Day, when a mom loses her husband and all of her children, and her sister?? That just does not seem right, or just.. or possible. 

But as I reported yesterday on here, it did occur this past Sunday in Pottsville, PA. 

Last night on WBRE news, my local NBC affiliate, reporter Joe Holden relayed horrendous information. He reported that the Kelly Brown, the mom who survived the fire because she was simply catching up on laundry, asked firefighters to re-enter the burnt structure in order to find a bracelet that was given to her for Mother’s Day by her children. The volunteer firefighter did just that.. It’s one of those few moments that I cried at local news…

This is a depressing day in Pottsville, PA. Some would call the town depressed already.. anyone who takes a drive through will see a history that once was and a reality of the current that is now there. Economic changes have caused vacancies to be produced everywhere.. a bus station that was meant to be a local attraction is rarely occupied by travelers.. But there are gems and jewels amid the streets there. There are good people, great people.. moral and honest  people. And they are coming together in the little city, the home of Yuengling beer.. they are crying together and trying to figure out why together. 

I heard a story of a neighbor that heard screaming during the fire, screaming that the person assumes came from the children inside begging for help. 

It’s these moments that make me wonder why God didn’t hear those cries.. It’s these moments we all… well.. You can contemplate the rest.

Pottsville, PA, neighbors mourn loss of life after Mother’s Day Fire